Monday, February 24

Your Scene: A Saharan vista

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Your Scene: A Saharan vista

A feature highlighting photos from Times readers.

5:00 AM PDT, April 28, 2012

Hali Helfgott traveled through Morocco in March but was not convinced about seeing the Sahara desert – a visit would require a 14-hour round trip by car. Thanks to her persuasive guide, the excursion turned out to be one of the highlights of her trip.

“I was struck by the power and peace of the desert, how the sand goes on and on as far as the eye can see,” Helfgott said.

The Hollywood resident captured this photo from atop a camel with her iPhone 4.

View past photos we’ve featured. To upload your own, visit our reader travel photo gallery. When you upload your photo, tell us where it was taken and when. The more we know about the photo, the more likely it is that we’ll feature it in our weekly “Your Scene” posts. To help us credit you properly, please include your name and city of residence.

— Jason La



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