Monday, February 24

Transports Damen Tugs to Morocco

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Reederei Heino Winter
Written by: Rob Almeida

atlantic winter heavy lift

Image courtesy Damen Shipyards

damenRecently, two Damen Stan Tugs 2608, theIbrahim 1 and the Jacques, were shipped from the anchorage of Halong Bay, Haiphong (Vietnam) to Casablanca by theAtlantic Winter,an 800t lifting capacity HLV chartered by Danish Heavy Lift carrier Thorco from Reederei Heino Winter.

After having taken the necessary preparations and rigging of the lifting gear, both tugs were nicely loaded into their prepositioned cradles on deck in a two day operation.

STu 2608 Ibrahim tugboat damen

STu 2608 Ibrahim Tugboat, image courtesy Damen

The tugs were ordered by JL Tug and Fedala Tug. Both are Moroccan, privately owned, maritime services companies that have long-time relationships with Damen Shipyards.

The Ibrahim 1 will be operated by JL Tug in the Port of Jorf Lasfar and the Jacques will be operated by Fedala Tug in the Port of Mohammedia.

reederei heino winter
Heavy Lift Vessel Details – MV Atlantic Winter
Builders Quingshan Shipyard, Chanjiang National Shipping Group
Flag Liberia
Main Data Class: GL 100 A5, Multi Purpose Dry Cargo Ship, Iceclass E3, G (Strengthened for Heavy Cargos), IW (In-Water-Survey), Equipped for the carriage of dangerous goods, SOLAS II-2, Reg. 19 + MC E3 AUT
Type Heavy Lift Multi Purpose Dry Cargo Vessel strengthened for heavy cargoes, equipped for the carriage of containers Geared, tweendecker fully variable in four positions / singledecker, equipped with stability pontoon
Dimension LOA: 166 m ; LBP: 156 m ; Breadth mld: 22,90 m
Draft: 9,50 m ssw ; Depth mld.: 13,90 m
Air draft: abt. 45,62 m (36,12 m * 9,50 m draft)
Tonnage Deadweight excl.tdw: abt. 19.100 tdw
GT: 15.312
NT: 5.734
Capacity Total cbm abt. 23.600 cbm (excl.tdw) or abt. 833.427 cbft
Hatchcover sqm: abt. 1.937 sqm
Tweendeck sq.: abt. 1.811 sqm + 6 extra panels
Lower Hold sqm: abt. 1.786 sqm
Total sqm: abt. 5.534 sqm + 6 extra panels
Container Capacity Total container intake: abt. 1011 TEU
On deck: abt. 504 TEU
Under deck: abt. 507 TEU
Basis 14mt: abt. 779 TEU
No. of reefer plugs: 96 FEU + 28 TEU



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