Monday, February 24

Tourism: Morocco, negative trend continues for Marrakech

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(ANSAmed) – RABAT, MARCH 19 – Tourism figures in Marrakech are beginning to concern professionals in the sector, who are expecting a very difficult year, mainly as a result of the economic crisis sweeping through Europe, from where the majority of tourists arrive. Hoteliers in the region already felt the effect of the crisis in 2011, which ended in a 9% fall in tourists compared to 2010.

The negative trend highlighted by professionals has been confirmed by official figures from the tourism watchdog for 2011. For the first time, real figures have been worse than expectations, while the fall in bookings for 2012 has also been a cause for concern. The countries from which there has been the most marked fall in tourist numbers are Italy, Spain and France.

The French market is the most worrying, explains the Moroccan financial daily L’Economiste, which alone represents half of foreign tourism in Marrakech.

Arrivals from Arab counties, however, have been positive, as have residential tourism figures, which rose by 14% in 2011 to a figure of 145,000 nights. (ANSAmed).



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