Monday, March 31

Time we took blinkers off when thinking of Morocco

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Euro Weekly Online
Mike Walsh

mw-1395IT is an oddity of modern life that whilst internet access offers unprecedented access to the world’s communities we remain more ignorant than earlier generations.Perception of Iran is invariably that of a backward country like Afghanistan.

In fact its great modern cities with the parks, gardens; infrastructure would put many European and American metropolis to shame.

Now Rosa Cañadas, born of Spanish parents, who as a child moved to Tangier, suggests we take our blinkers off when considering Morocco.

Although living in Barcelona she commutes regularly as her father and brother live in Tangier.

She says, ‘I don’t know why people thought we lived in prehistoric times.

And back then, Tangier was a modern city, especially compared with some Andalucía villages.’

I personally think the nations bordering the Mediterranean would have a far better future if they turned their commercial attention to North Africa.

Sorry, the Chinese got there first.



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