Monday, February 24

Students raffle off bathroom suite

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The Gazette

Students raffle off bathroom suite

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BATH LAUGH: Jessica Chapple (left) and Heather Macdonald
FUND-RAISING attempts are being stepped up to help a group of adventurous Linwood pupils get to Morocco this year.

Last weekend the enterprising Linwood Academy pupils obtained a bathroom suite to give away as a raffle prize.

It was kindly donated by Glasgow-based City Bathrooms.

The excellent prize will be auctioned off at their upcoming race night, significantly boosting the funds needed for their epic Summer 2013 trip. Each of the 20 pupils taking part in the trip needs to raise a £1,500 to get them to the North African Country.

Fund-raising events already in the pipeline include non-uniform days, baking sales and bag packing, with future events lined up including a fun run, a race night, a curry karaoke and a quiz night.

Fearless pupils also abseiled off the Titan Crane in Clydebank.

However, they hope the gruelling penny-rasing will be worth it as they head out for a two-week adventure, which is set to include a trek over the snow-topped Atlas Mountains before reaching a remote rural village where they will lend a hand by digging a well, renovating a building or doing up a classroom.

The trip is being organised by World Challenge, which runs similar trips for schools all over the world.

The aim is for the kids to raise at least 80 per cent of the money they need through fund-raising events – so that they can help build vital team spirit. The 20 pupils from the school will also be accompanied by guidance teacher Linda Hamilton and head of PE Gordian Mothersole on the trip.

Liz Chapple from City Bathrooms, whose daughter Jessica is taking part in the trip, said: “It seemed like a good thing to do to help out with the fund-raising and we have recently done up our showroom so it has all tied in well.

“It will be fantastic chance for them to try something new, a real life experience.

“Whether they think so after carrying rucksacks for two weeks is another thing though.”



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