Monday, February 24

Solarizing Morocco

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PHOTON International

November, 2012: The emerging Moroccan solar market is one of the rays of hope for both PV and CSP companies.

While a Saudi-led group won the first 160 MW phase to rely on parabolic troughs with storage, the north African country already plans to open bidding for a large-scale power tower project this year and a PV power plant next year, reports the November issue of PHOTON International in an in-depth feature on solar in Morocco. The issue also includes a business story on leading Chinese companies slashing full-year shipment targets, PHOTON’s global solar trade-fair calendar for 2013, and policy updates on several PV markets – from Germany and Italy to France, Spain, Greece and China.

Subscribers can download their personal copy of PHOTON International’s November online edition – which contains over 30 pages more than the printed magazine – (click on myPHOTON)

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