Tuesday, March 4

Sahara: French Deputies Blast Over Polisario's Remote-Controlled Appointment In Paris To Hamper Consultations

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Paris -vThe French-Moroccan friendship group at the National assembly of France condemned the meeting on the Sahara, Tuesday in Paris, describing it as a “remote-controlled” appointment by the polisario according to a hidden agenda to hamper the consultation process under way to settle the Sahara issue under the UN aegis.

In a statement, the 100-MP strong group, from across the political spectrum (majority and opposition) criticized the meeting, organized by the polisario with the aid of a French communist deputy, as having for main goal “undermining efforts by the international community to find a just and lasting political solution to the conflict.”

Calling for backing Morocco’s efforts to settle the dispute over the Sahara, the French deputies urged the other parties to engage with good faith in this process.

They said they were surprised by the timing of such a conference at the national assembly at a time when positive initiatives are gathering momentum and should be protected of any destabilization.

Chairman of the group Yanick Paternotte said he is convinced that this is a remote-controlled appointment by the polisario complying with a hidden agenda that coincides, every year, with the eve of the UNSC resolution on the MINURSO mandate.

He recalled that the last informal meeting on the Sahara (March in Manhasset) took place in a serein and constructive way and enabled Morocco to reaffirm the basics of its stance in favor for the Moroccan autonomy initiative.

He emphasized France’s support for the Moroccan autonomy initiative deemed as “a solid basis for talks to reach a definitive and lasting solution to the Sahara conflict within the framework of extensive regionalization.



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