Wednesday, March 12

Parliament to Inaugurate Legislative Cycle to Meet Social Demands

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News Arab World

Rabat – Latifa al-Arousni

The Moroccan parliament will inaugurate on Friday its new legislative cycle to meet social demands that have started to pressure the government of Dr. Saadeddine Othmani.

The premier is expected to translate these demands into practical steps in the coming budget, which will be presented to the parliament.

Previously, the two major allies in the government, the Justice and Development Party and the National Rally of Independents, announced that they had set aside their disputes or at least suspended them.

Two weeks ago, the political scene was dominated by both parties launching accusations against each other.

Minister of Youth and Sports, Rachid Talbi Alami accused the Justice and Development Party of leading an agenda to sabotage the country so that it could take control of it. These accusations led to divisions and tension among the government.

Meanwhile, the government promised to give the priority to the social policies in the budget 2019 bill through restructuring the social programs and supporting the purchasing power of citizens.

The government is willing to launch a comprehensive restructuring process of programs and national policies in the field of social support and protection.


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