Monday, February 24

Paris Forum (Casablanca Round): Morocco Is A Model Of Serene Transition Towards Democracy

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Casablanca – Morocco represents a model of serene and peaceful transition towards democracy, former foreign ministers of France and Spain, Hubert Védrine and Ana Palacio respectively said on Wednesday in Casablanca.

Morocco showed that the path towards democracy may take concrete substance through institutions, said Védrine who was speaking as part of the 3rd Paris Forum, Casablanca Round, held under the theme “political upheavals and economic challenges.”

On the contrasted Arab scene, Morocco seems to represent a promising model, he noted, adding that Kingdom can take advantage of its particular situation.

On North-South relations in the Mediterranean region, Palacio affirmed that Morocco is an example of peaceful political transition.

The Kingdom offers also a model in terms of pluralism and the promotion of cultural diversity and women’s rights, she underlined.

This forum, which brings together over 500 figures from the political and economic spheres, will tackle two main themes: “the unbelievable escalation of risks” and “the search for growth or security in the new models.



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