Wednesday, March 12

NAPEO : US reiterates commitment to economic partnership with Maghreb countries

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WASHINGTON, April 21 (KUNA) — American officials met in Washington with officials from the Maghreb countries part of the US-North Africa Partnership for Economic Opportunity (NAPEO) economic ministers policy dialogue.

The State Department noted in a statement late last night that this dialogue highlighted “economic issues of mutual interest, including creating policy environments for job creation, promoting public-private partnerships, regional competitiveness, financing for new businesses, and cross-border business opportunities in the Maghreb.” “The dialogue also focused on the US commitment to overall economic engagement and partnership with the region, following Secretary Clinton’s recent travel to Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia”, added the statement.
Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and Environment Robert Hormats, Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs Jose Fernandez, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Elizabeth Dibble, and Special Representative for Global Partnerships Kris Balderston met with Ministers from Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia, as well as with the Ambassador of Libya to the United States, on the margins of the Spring Meeting of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The State Department noted that “one of the main objectives of NAPEO is to create a public-private network that encourages American private sector companies and organizations to increase their involvement in the Maghreb region.” “NAPEO represents a vehicle by which its members in the United States and in North Africa can identify, initiate, and sustain locally-driven projects that foster economic opportunity (especially for youth), regional integration, entrepreneurship, a positive business climate, and skills training”, concluded the statement. (end)

jm.gta KUNA 210948 Apr 12NNNN



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