Monday, February 24

Morocco key to region’s anti-terrorism action- Spanish official

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The North African Post

Morocco is a key country in the fight against terrorism in the region, said Spain’s senior prosecutor Jesus Alonso. “Morocco is in a frontline and is committed like Spain, France and Belgium to uproot this transnational phenomenon that threatens the security and stability of the international community,” Alonso said at a meeting bringing together prosecutors from the four countries.

He expressed satisfaction at the level of security cooperation between the four nations notably in the field of fighting trans-border organized crime and terrorism through better information sharing mechanisms. The efficiency of Morocco’s counter-terrorism strategy has received acclaim from global powers. Last November, The US state department highlighted in its 2018 country report on terrorism the relevance of Morocco’s comprehensive anti-terrorism strategy.

The report recalled that Morocco has been spared terrorist attacks with the most recent since 2011 taking place near Marrakech leaving to Scandinavian tourists dead in Dec.2018. Morocco’s pro-active and pre-emptive approach was boosted with the creation of Morocco’s security agency BCIJ which was successful in averting attacks and busting cells before they move to action.

Besides security action, Morocco undertook measures to fight extremism through promoting a moderate interpretation of Sunni Islam inherent to the country’s centuriesold culture and customs and loyal to the lofty values of the religion. In this respect, Morocco offered training to more than 50,000 Imams including women preachers.

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