Sunday, February 23

Morocco Fishing Output’s Value Up 10%

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Brazil Arab News Agency

The country’s coastal and small-scale fishing produced 742,000 tons from January to July, which amounts to USD 457 million.

From the Newsroom*

Rabat – The output of the fishing sector in Morocco reached 742,300 tons from January to July and it’s worth MAD 4.3 billion (USD 457 million), up 10% in value when compared to the same period of last year, according to date released by the National Fishing Department (ONP, in the French acronym) and published this Thursday (31) by news agency Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP). The data includes coastal and small-scale fishing.

Morocco is a large producer and exporter of fish. Brazil, for instance, imported USD 28.6 million in sardines from the Arab country from January to July of this year, an increase of 11.5% over the same period of 2016, according to data from the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (MDIC).

*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani


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