Wednesday, October 9

Morocco Displays its Huge Untapped Potentials in Oil & Gas

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The North Africa Post

Morocco’s huge potentials in oil & gas and the business opportunities offered in the sector are currently showcased at the second Morocco Oil & Gas Summit convened in Marrakech February 6-7, 2019.

Organized by the Moroccan National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines (ONHYM), the event is bringing together potential and existing investors, including SDX Energy, Chariot Oil & Gas, Geoex, Enagas, ENI…

The summit is an opportunity for the state-owned ONHYM to unveil future plans regarding exploration and production following the recent hydrocarbon discoveries, and form new partnerships for midstream projects.

The event gathers oil and gas companies (exploration and production), consultants, seismic, drilling and other service companies.

During the gathering, companies are discussing Morocco’s Atlantic offshore geology, the results of the recent exploration activities, the exploration challenges and opportunities in Morocco, which offers smaller exploration companies and independent oil firms great investment openings in shallow offshore fields.

The Marrakech summit program features a presentation by SDX Energy focusing on its recent discoveries, including its important discoveries in the LNB-1 and the ONZ-7 wells, which tapped Morocco’s significant reserves.

With more exploration and production projects on the way, the need for new partners is higher than ever.


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