Sunday, February 23

Morocco: Benkirane Government Advocating Reforms, Democracy Wins Vote of Confidence

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By Morocco News Agency Staff

Rabat, Morocco — 26 January 2012 … The House of Representatives in Morocco approved today the programs of reforms and democracy of the Benkirane government as presented by the PM in his speech to Parliament. The program was adopted by a vote of 218 in favor and 135 against. No abstained votes were recorded.


The session of the House of Representatives in Rabat, Morocco continued in order to enable the various parliamentary groups to explain their decision to vote both in favor and against the government program.

Newly elected Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane opened the debate by stressing the government’s commitment to taking the position of the opposition into account.

“The opposition must be an efficient and constructive partner,” Benkirane stated. “The opposition is expected to become an efficient and constructive partner in the development process experienced by Morocco, in developing the quality of debate, in deepening the analysis of the situation of the country and by moving up to the level of force proposal to be worthy of the position that gives the new Constitution,” he explained.

Benkirane argued that the opposition parties in Morocco must not limit themselves to criticizing the government’s program without making specific proposals for correcting the deficiencies as they see them. He stressed that the principle of good governance “ensures a balance between innovative change and continuity in the implementation of responsible strategies and policies which already exist and which had been selected by previous governments.”

Of the adopted specific strategies and programs which illustrates the new government’s commitment to reform, democracy, a potent economy and greater employment – ten are a continuation and twenty one are new programs.

“The Constitution of the coalition embodies our aspiration to establish a strong government, efficient and solidarity based on the strong commitment to the Charter of the majority and reflecting the will of the Moroccan people to have an executive manager who is sensitive attentive to their concerns and their expectations,” Benkirane concluded.

The main opposition parties in Morocco issued statements highly critical of the government’s program. Two key points were stressed by most opposition spokesmen. Opposition leaders feel that the government’s program “lacks creativity and innovation, particularly in regard to the objectives set, priorities and mechanisms for implementation.”

Opposition leaders also criticize “the lack of accurate data and a clear agenda that would allow the Parliament and citizens to track, monitor and evaluate government action.”

In response to Benkirane’s call for presenting constructive alternatives to criticized policies, opposition leaders in Morocco promised to do just that in the forthcoming debates and deliberations over specific programs and undertakings.


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