Sunday, February 23

Moroccan citrus production cut in half this season

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Morocco could see a massive 50% reduction in citrus production this season, according to an industry body.

Khalid Bounajma, president of the Professional Association of Conditioners of Citrus in Morocco (ASCAM) said the drop from around 2 million metric tons (MT) was due to the trees being “exhausted”.

“After several years of high production, the trees are exhausted,” he said. “This year we expect a big drop in citrus production in Morocco estimated at around 50%.

“For all players in the sector, this is a real deficit, knowing that the sector provides nearly 25 million working days a year.”

He added volumes would be so low that at his major company this year that “we do not have enough production to run our packing machines”.

The Moroccan Interprofessional Federation of Citrus (Morocco Citrus) has begun a series of meetings with professionals.

The low-production year follows years of high production during which prices were often brought down to low levels.

ASCAM and the Ministry of Agriculture are trying to establish a good export strategy for Moroccan oranges.


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