Thursday, February 27

Libya To Get Inspired By Moroccan Experience In Human Rights, NTC’s Official

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Rabat – Libya intends to get inspired by Morocco’s advanced experience in terms of human rights with the aim of asserting the country’s revival through laws that encourage transitional justice and prevent violations, member of the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) Mokhtar Jeddal said on Thursday in Rabat.

In a meeting with secretary general of the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH) Mohamed Sebbar, the Libyan official, member of a NTC’s delegation, said that the new authorities of Tripoli wish to get informed of the mechanisms that would spread the culture of human rights through its promotion as a daily practice by citizens and ministerial departments, noting that the protection of human rights is a priority for the country.

He underlined the importance to get some information about means adopted by Morocco in the field of national reconciliation and enquire about the collective redress program and tools meant to prevent the recurrence of human rights violations.

The Moroccan experience in this field is a huge achievement for the Kingdom which made considerable efforts to promote human rights, Abdelkader Adessalam another member of the delegation said.


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