Monday, February 24

Late HRH Princess Lalla Amina’s Funeral Takes Place On Friday

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Late HRH Princess Lalla Amina's funeral takes place on FridayRabat – The funeral of the late HRH Princess Lalla Amina, daughter of HM King Mohammed V, sister of the late HM King Hassan II, and aunt of HM King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, took place on Friday, in presence of HM the King.

The remains of the deceased were buried at the Moulay Al Hassan Mausoleum in the Royal Palace in Rabat after Al Asr prayer at the Ahl Fez mosque.

The funeral was attended, in particular, by HRH Prince Moulay Rachid and HH Prince Moulay Ismail, Princes and Shorfas from the deaceased’s relatives, and a number of civil and military figures.


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