Thursday, October 24

Kuwait supports helping countries obtain self-determination

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Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) NEW YORK, Oct 8 (KUNA) — Kuwait on Tuesday affirmed its stance backing the right of self-determination for nations that is a key principle of the UN Charter and General Assembly resolution 1514.

This came in Kuwait’s speech delivered by First Secretary Bashar Al-Duwaisan before the fourth committee of the UN General Assembly on ending colonization.

The UNSC resolution 1514 calls for granting independence to non-self-governing states and nations as well as helping them get the right to self-determination, he noted.

Although Palestine is not among non-self-governing states discussed by the committee, Kuwait stresses the necessity of ending the Israeli occupation of the entire occupied Palestinian territories, Al-Duwaisan said.

He underlined the importance of achieving the Palestinian people’s full and legitimate political rights, including their right to self-determination.

This comes in implementation of the international legitimacy resolutions that allow Palestinian people to establish their independent state on their land and with East Jerusalem as their capital, and make Israel be committed to withdraw from all Arab territories occupied since 1967, he noted.

This is the only solution to reach a just, permanent and comprehensive peace in line with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, the land for peace, the roadmap and the Arab peace initiative, he told the committee.

Of the most outstanding achievements by the UN since its establishment was to help several countries and member states be independent, he stated.
Al-Duwaisan urged the countries managing the non-self governing regions to cooperate with the fourth committee and provide it with accurate and correct data on educational, economic, political and social positions, and revive these regions in line with the UN Charter.

He renewed Kuwait’s support to the efforts by the UN, Secretary General and his former special envoy Horst Kohler that facilitated holding the first and second meetings of the parties to Sahara issue.

He welcomed the participation of Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and the Polisario Front in the two meetings, in response to the UN Security Council resolutions 2440 and 2414.

He lauded the positive atmospheres covered the two gatherings which aimed to find an acceptable peaceful resolution to all parties to the issue.
He backs the UN Security Council resolution 2468, which stresses the necessity of making progress to find a practical, political, permanent solution to the Sahara issue based on consensus.

Al-Duwaisan extolled Morocco’s achievements made in human rights and its constructive interaction with mechanisms of the International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) in this matter.

He renewed Kuwait’s backing to Morocco’s initiative on autonomy in Sahara to reach an acceptable resolution to all parties, stressing the necessity of respecting Morocco’s unity and sovereignty as well as the unified Gulf stance on the Sahara issue that was clear in the 2016 Moroccan-Gulf summit. (end)


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