Sunday, February 23

Kofod in New York: Denmark intensifies support to global efforts against terrorism

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The Danish Government is committed to strengthening its response to the threat from global terrorism.

That is why Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod today announces contributions of USD 5.5 million to preventing and countering global terrorism.
“We want to create a safe and secure Denmark. This requires us to engage in the efforts against terrorism in Africa – and in the rest of the world. These things are inextricably linked,” says Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod.
The contributions are announced on the margins of the opening of the UN General Assembly in New York and will support the work of the Global Counterterrorism Forum, an alliance of 29 Western and non-Western countries and the EU committed to working together to prevent and counter terrorism.
“The Government assumes global responsibility with efforts on several fronts. It is about preventing radicalization that leads to terrorism. It is about removing the financial supply lines to the terrorists. In short, it is about aiming the efforts at the root causes of this evil. That is the most effective means against international terrorism in the long run,” says Jeppe Kofod.
The Danish contributions include USD 2 million in support of Ethiopia’s efforts to counter-terrorist financing while nearly USD 1.5 million has been allocated for a regional center for countering violent extremism under the regional organization for the countries of the Horn of Africa, IGAD.
Finally, a new Danish contribution of USD 2 million to the Global Community Engagement & Resilience Fund (GCERF), which works through a number of grassroots organizations to prevent radicalization in fragile states including Mali.

The funding comes from Denmark’s stabilization cooperation.     
“The effort is an example of the Government’s broader focus on creating development, stability and peace in Africa. We must do all we can to promote global cooperation and exchange of experience across regions. That is the only way to effectively reduce the threat from global terrorism in the long term,” says Jeppe Kofod.
In coordination with the incoming co-chairmanship of the Global Counterterrorism Forum, Morocco and Canada, The Foreign Minister has decided to invite the 30 members of the Forum’s Coordination Committee to meet in Copenhagen next year.
Today, Jeppe Kofod attends a ministerial plenary meeting in the Global Counterterrorism Forum in New York. Denmark takes part in this work along with six other EU countries as well as the US, Turkey, Canada, India, Morocco, Algeria, Russia, Indonesia, Nigeria and others.
Further information:
Global Counterterrorism Forum [link: ]
Global Community Engagement & Resilience Fund [link:  ]

Contact information
Poul Kjar, Press Advisor, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: +45 4186 5975


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