Monday, February 24

International Finance Corporation mediation project to work across the Middle East and North Africa

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CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) has embarked upon an International Finance Corporation-funded 24 month consultancy project working in the Middle East and North Africa region. The aims of the project are to develop and deliver mediation training, to coach teams of high quality mediator trainers, to build the institutional capacity of local Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Centres, and to provide a series of regional workshops that facilitate a knowledge sharing and mentorship network to increase the understanding of mediation and creating demand for mediation services.

The project, sponsored by the private sector arm of the World Bank, is focused on Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Working with local partners in Arabic, Urdu, Pashto / Dari and English, CEDR will lead the multi-staged project. The training work-stream contains a number of elements. The first is for CEDR to train and develop a network of master-trainers that can deliver the mediator skills training course and to coach and accredit candidates to an international standard. In the second stage these trainers will work with the experienced CEDR training team, to professionalise mediation training through customised learning and mentoring including training members of the judiciary, lawyers and other professionals in the skills to be an effective mediator, leading to the award of the internationally recognised, CEDR accreditation.

The second objective is to build the institutional capacity of mediation centres within the five jurisdictions. CEDR will be working with court annexed or independent ADR / mediation centres to which cases are referred. The best practice consultation will consider internal operating procedures, mechanisms to increase case-flow, and what the best indicators are for monitoring ADR performance. At the implementation phase in country-partners will be provided with an ADR guidebook with specific in-country recommendations combined with workshops to share expertise.

James South, CEDR Director of Training and Project Director said, “As a not-for-profit organisation CEDR’s mission is to promote mediation and ADR to make a significant and positive difference in cutting the costs of conflict. Our work with the IFC on this extensive project in Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Pakistan and Afghanistan, will go some way in assisting develop a regional approach to mediation service development and training of mediators, will enhance international best practice amongst the judiciary, business and professions, and in playing a key role in a wider economic and societal development.”

Luke Haggarty, Manager Advisory Services, MENA, IFC said, “The IFC continues to support private sector development and promote a healthy investment climate across the Middle East & North Africa region. We are very keen to support mediation as an efficient way to resolve business disputes. Our partnership with CEDR, which has the needed expertise to help create a regional network of mediators, will support businesses tied up in commercial disputes, helping spur economic growth.”

Throughout CEDR’s history it has raised awareness of mediation and the benefits of alternative dispute resolution. As a not-for-profit organisation it is internationally recognised in the field of ADR and has a worldwide reputation for its quality and developmental projects. In the past year CEDR has run courses in the UK, Ireland, Malta, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, Greece, Nigeria, Qatar, South Africa and Hong Kong and have a history of working on civil justice initiatives in jurisdictions such as Russia, the former Soviet Republics, Pakistan, India, Morocco, Egypt, Nigeria and the Balkans. In recent years, CEDR has drawn on its 20 years of experience to assist the UK in to designing court-based programmes, and in international jurisdictions such as in Bangladesh, the Balkans, Jamaica, Qatar, Nigeria and Pakistan, to build a combination of private and court-annexed centres.


About CEDR

CEDR is a leader in the development of neutral-assisted dispute resolution. It is a non-profit organisation and its mission is to encourage and develop cost effective dispute prevention and dispute resolution in commercial and public sector disputes and in civil litigation. CEDR operates in the UK and internationally and has been instrumental in helping to bring mediation into the heart of business practice and into judicial systems. CEDR Mediator Accreditation is recognised as an international standard.

About the IFC

The IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest multilateral financial institution focusing on the private sector in emerging and transition economies. With a membership of 182 countries, the IFC provides investment and advisory support, sponsors knowledge-sharing through partnerships, and promotes sustainable development in the private and public sectors.

For more information please contact:
Andy Rogers, E: arogers T: +44 (0)20 7536 6044


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