Monday, February 24

HRH Princess Lalla Amina Dies

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Rabat – The Ministry of the Royal Household, Protocol and Chancellery announced, on Thursday evening, the death of HRH Princess Lalla Amina, aunt of HM King Mohammed VI.

Here is the translation of the press release issued on this subject by the Ministry of the Royal Household, Protocol and Chancellery:

“The Ministry of the Royal Household, Protocol and Chancellery announces with deep sorrow and great sadness the death, on Thursday evening, 27 Ramadan 1433 Hijri, corresponding to August 16, 2012, of HRH Princess Lalla Amina, daughter of late HM King Mohammed V, sister of late HM King Hassan II, may God rest their souls, and aunt of HM King Mohammed VI, may God assist him and grant him long life, after an illness lasting several months.
In announcing to the Moroccan people the death of Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Amina, may God cover her with His Grace and accommodate her in His vast paradise, the Ministry of the Royal House of Protocol and Chancellery implore the Almighty God to preserve His Majesty the King, to grant long life to the Sovereign, to perpetuate His glory, and to grant forgiveness and mercy to the late and patience and solace to the illustrious royal family.
The funeral of the late HRH Princess Lalla Amina, may God rest her soul, will take place tomorrow, Friday, after Al Asr prayer at the Ahl Fes mosque. The remains of the deceased will be buried at the Moulay Al Hassan Mausoleum at the Royal Palace in Rabat.
We are to God and to Him we return.”


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