Saturday, March 15

Homestyle: Feeding butterflies; Moroccan style; new bulb

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The Kansas City Star

Homestyle: Feeding butterflies; Moroccan style; new bulb


Akron Beacon Journal


Q: I have the traditional flowers that butterflies like in my garden and thought perhaps I would start adding ripened fruit and sugar water. When is the right time to do this?

A: Carol Sutek, a master gardener from Plain Township, Ohio, who specializes in butterfly gardening, said fall butterflies are attracted to the rotting fruit in orchards. Putting rotting fruit out in late summer and fall mimics that food source.

She makes a butterfly mash from a half-can of beer, 2 to 4 ounces of dark molasses, a handful of brown sugar and some overripe fruit, such as peaches, bananas or apples. Puree the ingredients in a blender, and then store the mixture in a glass jar for about a month to allow it to ferment. Put the lid on the jar loosely so ants can’t get in but the jar won’t explode. You can keep adding more overripe fruit to the mixture if you like.

Starting in late July, put 1/4 cup or so of the mixture out on a dish for the butterflies. Because the mixture attracts ants, she recommends locating it away from the house. She also replaces hers every day because the raccoons eat it at night.

Earlier in the summer, you can put out chunks of watermelon or an orange cut in half to feed the butterflies, Sutek said. Put the fruit close to flowers.


Marrakesh transplant and blogger Maryam Montague shares her love of Moroccan architecture and decorating in her first book, “Marrakesh By Design.”

Montague is the creator of the blog My Marrakesh, which she created to chronicle the efforts of her and her husband to build a home there.

In the book, she introduces readers to the architecture of Morocco and explains the historical, religious and practical forces that influenced its distinctive features. She takes readers inside homes, gardens, courtyards and other spaces, each with its own style but all infused with Moroccan character.

She also gives readers specific ideas for incorporating the vivid colors, lively patterns and handmade quality into their own homes.

“Marrakesh By Design” is published by Artisan Books and sells for $29.95 in hardcover.


Purely Products’ Pet CFL light bulb promises to remove pet dander and other allergens from the air.

The compact fluorescent bulb generates negative ions, which attract tiny, positively charged particles of airborne pollutants. Those particles bond with the negative ions and make them heavier, causing them to fall out of the air eventually.

The company says the bulbs remove a variety of irritants besides dander, such as smoke, mold spores and dust.

The Pet CFL bulbs come in 7, 9 and 15 watts. Those produce roughly the same amount of light as 25-, 40- and 60-watt incandescent bulbs, respectively.

The bulbs can be ordered at Prices range from $9.79 for a single 7-watt bulb to $29.99 for a four-pack of 15-watt bulbs. Shipping is extra.

Have a question about home maintenance, decorating or gardening? Akron Beacon Journal home writer Mary Beth Breckenridge will find answers for the queries that are chosen to appear in the paper. To submit a question, call her at 330-996-3756, or send email to Be sure to include your full name, your town and your phone number or email address.

Posted on Thu, Jul. 19, 2012 07:06 AM



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