Monday, February 24

Head Of Moroccan Rights Council For Programs That Would Preserve Dignity Of The Disabled

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Marrakech – Chairman of the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH) Driss El Yazami underlined, Friday in Marrakech, the need to pool efforts of all parties concerned to devise programs and efficient mechanisms that would preserve the dignity of the disabled.

Speaking at an international forum on the harmonization of law 62-09 on the disabled’s rights with the provisions of the Constitution and the relevant international convention, he stressed the necessity to adopt a legal framework that secures the basic rights for this social group.

He regretted that the current rules and regulations do not meet the criteria related to human rights, deeming that these texts were based during their elaboration on a charitable approach without taking account of the human rights dimension.

He recalled that the CNDH takes especial interest in this matter through its efforts seeking to harmonize the country’s laws with provisions laid in conventions related to the rights of people with special needs.

It is necessary to promote public policies adopting a human rights approach in favor of this social component, he said, adding that the CNDH sees to it that Morocco has a comprehensive and integrated legislative framework with a view to promoting the social integration of the disabled and implementing a human and voluntary-based policy based on the respect of human rights and equality.


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