Monday, February 24

Festival TransAmériques 2012: Tickets Now on Sale

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Montreal Gazette
Pat Donnelly

There are no more secrets. The Festival TransAmériques finally announced its entire lineup this afternoon: a total of 28 shows (dance, theatre and multimedia) from 12 countries, including Iraq, Morocco, and Slovenia.

The most exciting item this year, at least to English-speaking audiences, is Seeds, Annabel Soutar’sdocu drama about the Monsanto versus Percy Schmeiser lawsuit. In the past, FTA artistic directorMarie Hélène Falcon, has brought in some less than impressive examples of English-Canadian theatre. This is the first time I can remember that she has booked a recent Toronto hit, let alone one that was launched here by an anglo theatre company.

I wrote a brief story for Tuesday’s paper on the FTAmenu which is now available on the Gazette website.

Stay tuned to this blog and follow @patstagepageon Twitter for more and more FTA coverage as the festival approaches. It runs May 24 to June 9. Good shows sell out fast, so it’s best to browse the website and make your choices now.

Categories: Stage and Page
Tags: Annabel Soutar, Festival TransAmeriques,FTA, Marie- Hélène Falcon, Monsanto, Percy Schmeiser, seeds



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