Monday, February 24

Experience Of Community Reparation In Morocco Is ‘Unique And Unprecedented In The Maghreb’: EU Senior Diplomat

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Rabat – The process of community reparation in Morocco “is unique and unprecedented in the Maghreb,” said on Saturday the Head of the European Union Delegation in Rabat, Eneko Landaburu, noting that this program “reaches its maturity.”

Beyond “the symbolic dimension of the compensation,” it is the “quite innovative forms” which are “real benefit” for Morocco, namely “the spirit of participation, spaces created for dialogue, partnerships and decentralized bodies in charge of human rights,” said Landaburu at a national meeting on “community reparation: status and prospects “.

While expressing the EU “pride” to have participated in this program, he said Europe will continue “to support the implementation of the recommendations of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) in terms of History and memory” which represents “a key component of the repair process.”
President of Morocco’s National Human Rights Council (CNDH) Driss Yazami stressed that the Moroccan experience in this area is an enrichment to the work of the committees of truth in the world, in that it has ally gender participation and approach and contributed to the rehabilitation of areas long assimilated into exile, disappearances, marginalization and exclusion.

Co-financed by the Moroccan government and the EU, the community reparation program, a key recommendation of the IER, is based on a philosophy of positive discrimination and on an additional effort of solidarity in favor of certain regions and communities who have collectively suffered, directly or indirectly,
from the legacy of the serious human rights violations.


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