Tuesday, February 25

European Investment Bank Welcomes Cooperation With Morocco Through Tangier Med Project Funding

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Paris – Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Philippe de Fontaine Vive welcomed the cooperation with Morocco through the Bank contribution to funding Tanger Med project, one of “the most emblematic” in the Mediterranean region.

“The port of Tangier is one of the most emblematic. It shows that when a country shows real political willingness, funding follows,” de Fontaine Vive said in an interview published by the French daily, Le Figaro, adding that funds for such a mega project were provided given the political commitment shown by Morocco.

De Fontaine Vive recalled that Morocco received 734 million euros as part of the Deauville partnership, to which the EIB earmarked last year a billion euros to support democratic transition efforts in south Mediterranean countries.



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