Sunday, February 23

EU approves new financial assistance prog. for Tunisia, Morocco

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BRUSSELS, Dec 10 (KUNA) — The European Union Monday approved a new 15 million euro financial assistance program for Tunisia, which aims to support the process of democratic transition in the country.
According to an European Commission statement, the programme aims to support the implementation of the Association Agreement and the Action Plan of the privileged partnership, recently approved by the EU-Tunisia Association Council meeting in Brussels.
Meanwhile, the European Commission today adopted a programme worth 2.8 million euro for Morocco to support the action of two key institutions in the protection and promotion of human Rights in Morocco: the National Council of Human Rights and the Inter-ministerial Delegation for Human Rights.
Strengthening the rule of law and respect for human rights are two of the main commitments made by the Moroccan government in the Action Plan for the implementation of the Advanced Status negotiated with the European Union, added the statement. (end) KUNA 102134 Dec 12NNNN



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