Sunday, February 23

Equato-Guinean President Sends Message to King Mohammed VI

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The North Africa Post

Equatorial Guinean Minister of Foreign Affairs Simeón Oyono Esono Angue is currently visiting Morocco, carrying a message from President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo to King Mohammed VI.

“I am carrying a message from H.E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo to H.M. King Mohammed VI,” the Foreign Minister told the media after talks with his Moroccan peer Nasser Bourita in Rabat Tuesday.

The message is related to strengthening the friendship and cooperation relations between the two countries, he said.

Oyono Esono Angue said he discussed with Bourita means to speed up the pace of implementing the many cooperation agreements concluded by the two countries, which are bound, he said, by long-standing relations.

He announced that the joint cooperation commission will hold a meeting in Malabo, next April, to foster bilateral relations.


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