Monday, February 24


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DOMESTIC SKIES: MoroccoEvery week The HUB provides statistics highlighting airline and airport activity in an individual domestic and international market. Alongside looking at the market’s historical development over the past 30 years, we take the following week’s schedule as a snapshot and compare weekly seat capacity with the previous year, showing which airlines and airports are growing and which are constraining.

The data is all supplied by OAG Aviation from its OAG Schedules iNET network analysis tool.

Year Departures % Change Available Seats % Change
1982 11,234 0.8 % 1,412,237 2.7 %
1983 10,423 (-7.2) % 1,346,385 (-4.7) %
1984 8,954 (-14.1) % 1,129,751 (-16.1) %
1985 10,394 16.1 % 1,216,682 7.7 %
1986 10,954 5.4 % 1,305,965 7.3 %
1987 11,195 2.2 % 1,347,571 3.2 %
1988 11,552 3.2 % 1,397,471 3.7 %
1989 13,466 16.6 % 1,469,312 5.1 %
1990 12,679 (-5.8) % 1,515,558 3.1 %
1991 12,104 (-4.5) % 1,452,187 (-4.2) %
1992 12,808 5.8 % 1,534,652 5.7 %
1993 13,224 3.2 % 1,607,563 4.8 %
1994 11,375 (-14.0) % 1,263,056 (-21.4) %
1995 11,087 (-2.5) % 1,235,827 (-2.2) %
1996 9,794 (-11.7) % 1,133,214 (-8.3) %
1997 11,980 22.3 % 1,315,602 16.1 %
1998 20,016 67.1 % 1,666,362 26.7 %
1999 20,293 1.4 % 1,587,609 (-4.7) %
2000 19,376 (-4.5) % 1,691,870 6.6 %
2001 17,931 (-7.5) % 1,659,880 (-1.9) %
2002 15,014 (-16.3) % 1,482,558 (-10.7) %
2003 14,521 (-3.3) % 1,462,074 (-1.4) %
2004 17,070 17.6 % 1,662,782 13.7 %
2005 20,006 17.2 % 1,959,152 17.8 %
2006 19,609 (-2.0) % 1,990,916 1.6 %
2007 17,679 (-9.8) % 1,971,357 (-1.0) %
2008 15,411 (-12.8) % 2,015,792 2.3 %
2009 15,536 0.8 % 1,929,211 (-4.3) %
2010 15,826 1.9 % 1,846,442 (-4.3) %
2011 13,203 (-16.6) % 1,599,196 (-13.4) %
2012 11,917 (-9.7) % 1,390,333 (-13.1) %

With effect from March 19, 2012 the Breaking News coverage on Routesonline is powered by Airline Route. For more analysis on these stories please read our expanded coverage of the key stories of the day in The HUB.

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All material is copyright of UBM Aviation Routes but the views expressed are not necessarily the views of UBM Aviation Routes and the company shall therefore not be liable for the contents of any article that appears on the site. Although the best efforts have been taken in collecting and checking the material we can not and do not warrant that the information contained in this product is complete or accurate and does not assume and hereby disclaims liability to any person for any loss of damage caused by errors or omissions.

PLEASE NOTE: From March 7, 2012 schedule data for all news stories has been extracted from OAG Schedules iNET; All GDS data is based on a live GDS update on the day of publication; Traffic data extracted from IATA BSP system for the year ending December 2011. All information is subject to change.



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