Saturday, March 15

Dental help in Casablanca

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By Elizabeth Kemble

Dental help in CasablancaDental help in Casablanca

AN Amesbury dentist and dental nurse were among a team of ten from across the UK to spend five days providing emergency treatment in rural schools, prisons and clinics in Casablanca.

Mark Inman and Debby Russell, both of Ivydene Dental Practice, helped to provide oral health education to 1,000 children and performed 700 extractions and 100 fillings.

Mrs Russell said: “It was fantastic to be able to provide pain relief for so many children, who would otherwise have to suffer with severe toothache for months or years. “The kindness and gratitude of the children was truly overwhelming.

“Morocco has no dental health service and there is no access to basic dental care or education. “This combined with a high sugar diet and drinks leads to extremely high rates of tooth decay and subsequent pain.”

This expedition was organised by Landford-based dental charity Dentaid.


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