Monday, February 24

Date Of Next Elections Hinges On Implementation Of Regionalisation -Head Of Government

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Rabat  –  The announcement of a date for the next elections hinges in principle on the implementation of the regionalization project, the head of the government, Abdelilah Benkirane, said on Tuesday.

    The holding of these elections is also dependent on voter registration and voting modes, Benkirane said in the House of Councillors, as part of the monthly session devoted to the general government policy.

M. Benkirane, in this respect, highlighted “difficulties” that prevented the holding of the elections, including the large number of elections planned, namely the election of members of professional chambers, the election of urban and rural communes, councils, prefectures, provinces, regions and the House of Councillors as well as wage-earner representatives and professional organizations.

For their part, the opposition councilors said the government “has been unable to find appropriate mechanisms to implement the regionalization and the institutional reform project in order to pave the way for any future election date,” stressing the need to enact a series of laws and legislation before the elections, including municipal ones.

The majority councilors highlighted the government’s efforts to implement the provisions of the new constitution, stressing that fixing a date for any election must be the subject of consultation between the government majority, the opposition, trade unions and civil society.



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