Sunday, February 23

Arab Spring News: September 5, 2012

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Arab Spring, Awakening

Analysis: Some Gulf rulers wary of US shifts on Islamists, Iran

How ‘thugs’ became part of the Arab Spring lexicon

Turkey accuses Syria of ‘state terrorism’

The Sectarian Genie: The Sunni-Shi’ite Struggle Released by the Arab Spring

Kraft Foods Bites Into Labor Struggles in Tunisia and Egypt

Al-Jazeera websites hacked by Assad loyalist group

Drugs and thugs in the New Egypt

BBC News – Global donors pledge $6.4bn to stabilise fragile Yemen


Arab Spring, Awakening

Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun

The Arab Spring, which erupted in the Middle East in 2010, was an exciting development in a region long known for its dictators. On Aug. 27, the Department of Art offered Cornell students a rare chance to hear from the Egyptian-Lebanese artist Lara Baladi.


Analysis: Some Gulf rulers wary of US shifts on Islamists, Iran


DUBAI (Reuters) – The rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and its ideological affiliates in theArab Spring uprisings has stoked fears among Gulf Arab governments that the United States may one day abandon its traditional allies as it warms up to Islamists.


How ‘thugs’ became part of the Arab Spring lexicon

BBC News‎

‪Since the onset of the Arab Spring, “Baltagiya” and “Shabiha” have played prominent roles in the fights between embattled leaders and …


Turkey accuses Syria of ‘state terrorism’

The Associated Press

With violence escalating in the nearly 18-month-old crisis, strains rippled across the region as Egypt’s president urged Assad to take a lesson from the Arab Springuprisings that deposed other leaders and step down. There appears to be no end in sight ..


The Sectarian Genie: The Sunni-Shi’ite Struggle Released by the Arab Spring

The Jewish Press

… the Sunni minority which rules over it with an iron fist and an outstretched arm. This past year, when the spirit of the “Arab Spring” brought the Shi’ite majority into the streets, Saudi Arabia occupied Bahrain and forced the sectarian genie back …


Kraft Foods Bites Into Labor Struggles in Tunisia and Egypt

Democratic Underground‎

‪Workers in Egypt and Tunisia, fresh off the Arab Spring protests, are fighting back against Kraft foods for cracking down on union organizing.


Al-Jazeera websites hacked by Assad loyalist group

The Guardian‎

‪The websites of the Arabic news network, Al-Jazeera, were hacked on Tuesday, apparently by a group sympathetic to the Syrian regime.


Drugs and thugs in the New Egypt


‪After the Arab Spring, drug abuse has exploded in Egypt. In this two-part investigation, The Fix reports from Cairo about the influx of drugs and


BBC News – Global donors pledge $6.4bn to stabilise fragile Yemen

Yemen is to receive $6.4bn (£4bn) in global aid to help stabilise the impoverished nation as it battles food shortages and post-Arab Spring 


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