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Arab spring News : May 28, 2012

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Cannes films show Arab Spring unfurling
The Daily Star
By Alexandria Sage CANNES: The “Arab Spring” was the focus of two movies at Cannes this year as, a year after political upheaval in Libya and Egypt, filmmakers present tentative steps toward democracy on the big screen.

The Daily Star
Jordan cuts subsidies for the rich
Gant Daily
Amman, Jordan David Rosenberg / The Med – The government of Jordan’s King Abdullah is teetering, as the delicate economic and political tightrope act he’s been performing since the start of the Arab Spring becomes unstable. The government announced on
An action plan to be tested
Ahram Online
In the aftermath of the Camp David Summit early this week, G8 countries left the future of supporting Arab Spring countries in the hands of the United States, the new chairman of the league of top industrialised nations. The G8 meeting confirmed
This week’s presidential elections
Ahram Online
The political map of the Arab world has been changing radically as a consequence of the several successful revolutions known collectively as the Arab Spring. The Tunisian and Yemeni revolutions brought in new presidents to complete their transitional
Andrew Miller makes ‘Pure’ and 1785 Paris relevant to the Arab Spring
Plain Dealer (blog)
Reading “Pure” calls to mind the Arab Spring and the voting this past week in Egypt. Miller’s touch is also marvelously light; one might read for plot, or merely the enjoyment of an observant detail: “Odd thing how all shut doors are not alike,

Plain Dealer (blog)
Saudi’s foreign aid bill piles up
Reuters Blogs (blog)
Egypt Jordan, Bahrain, Oman and Yemen – the Arab spring has elicited a string of pledges of loans and grants from the oil-rich kingdom to its troubled, resource-poor neighbours. Charity is a key tenet of Islam and the kingdom is an established donor.
Fulfilling the Promise of America’s Labor Spring
Town Hall
That’s the lesson of the Arab Spring, where the forces of retrenchment have dug in their heels after the uprisings’ promising beginnings. In Egypt, Syria, Iran, Yemen, and elsewhere, there’s a hard road ahead. The Mideast’s many nation-states make it
A new Middle East or old Israel hatred?
Jerusalem Post
The momentous events of the Arab Spring offer us another opportunity to review the discussion of the Middle East in the US and Europe. The picture emerging is that old habits die hard, and the main themes which dominated the discourse before the

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