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Arab spring News : Jan 29, 2012

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Euro, rich-poor gap proved key issues at Davos
The Associated Press
of business and political leaders, but for the first time the growing inequality between the planet’s haves and have-nots became an issue, thanks largely to the Arab Springuprisings, the Occupy movement and other protests around the globe.
Arab Spring impact major challenge to Jordan king
Times of Oman
But amid the difficulties, Jordan has long enjoyed a reputation for stability and security, as well as a relative openness compared to other Arab countries. But now the Arab Spring poses a major challenge for the king. “For the first time,
One year on: what has the Arab Spring changed?
OVER A YEAR has passed since Tunisian fruit and vegetable trader Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation kick-started a series of protests that brought down the leaders of four states in a series of popular uprisings termed ‘the Arab Spring‘.
Arab Spring impact major challenge to Jordan king
Business Recorder (blog)
“For the first time, the king faces internal challenges, and the margin to manoeuvre is narrow,” Mohammad Masri, a researcher at the University of Jordan’s Centre for Strategic Studies, told AFP. With openess and democracy becoming regional

Business Recorder (blog)
Jordan’s King Receives Hamas Leader
ABC News
Khaled Mashaal’s visit was part of Jordan’s efforts to engage with previously shunned Islamists, who have been gaining ground across the region in Arab Spring uprisings. “It will only break the ice, following years of estrangement,” said the official,
Time to reflect on region after a tumultuous year of Arab Spring
This is a time of reflection for many of us on the Arab Spring. One year on from Mohammad Bu Azizi’s tragic act of defiance, we have just seen elections in Egypt, the opening of Libya to the world and the Arab League leading on the search for an end to
Syria forces kill 33 in rebel town near Lebanon border, activists say
By Reuters Tags: Syria Bashar Assad Arab Spring Syrian government forces have killed at least 33 people in a rebel town near the Lebanese border in the last few days in an attack to dislodge army defectors and insurgents, activists and residents of a

Facebook CFO: IPO Will Produce Jobs, World Change
Since then, it has gained billions of users and was credited with helping people organize the protests which became known as the Arab Spring, along with site Twitter. “We need social networks in emerging markets and authoritarian regimes,” Alejandro

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