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Arab spring News : Apr 3, 2012

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Saudis Skip Arab Spring as Nation Pours Money Into Youth Jobs
San Francisco Chronicle
“What they’ve done to slow any reaction to the Arab Spring is to throw money at people, with some success,” Seznec says. Persistent unemployment could have broad repercussions. Though there are some informal efforts to create activities ranging from
We cannot fail the women of Arab Spring
CNN International
Some had participated in the massive Arab Spring demonstrations that challenged decades of autocratic rule. Others had studied in the United States and other countries and then returned to build a future where women’s voices are equal to those of men.
Koch: Supporters of Arab Spring Have Much to Answer For
I have never touted myself as a Middle East expert, but it has become crystal clear that a great number of the experts who recently waxed almost lyrical in support of the Arab Spring have much to answer for.
Lebanese Spring Comes in Hip Hop Beats
Beating the drums of the revolution, Lebanese Hip Hop is riding the wave of the Arab Spring. Lebanon hasn’t had much in the way of an Arab Spring. In the wake of the popular demonstrations credited with toppling the sclerotic regimes in Tunis and Egypt

The Arab spring has shaken Arab TV’s credibility
The Guardian (blog)
The new Arab TV channels seemed to be flourishing and gaining credibility until the Arab spring came along and they began providing daily coverage of the revolutions. From Tunisia to Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, and Syria, people expected TV stations

The Guardian (blog)
The squeeze on Iraq’s Kurds
Washington Post (blog)
Maybe that’s why Barzani is grimly unsparing in his description of what the region currently looks like from his capital in Irbil, 14 months into the misnamed “Arab Spring.” “The more you look at it, the more you see the situation going toward conflict
OUR OPINION: A turning point for Syrian leader?
San Angelo Standard Times
SAN ANGELO, Texas — Once it appeared as if Bashar al-Assad could ride out the wave of unrest sweeping his country and that Syria would be the exception to the Arab Spring. Unlike some of his fellow Arab dictators, Syria’s president had no qualms about
Why Islamists Winning Elections Is Good for Democracy and the War on Terrorism
Huffington Post
Journalists, pundits and politicians seem increasingly obsessed with fears that Islamists winning elections in the wake of successful Arab Spring uprisings will prove detrimental to democracy, regional security, and the War on Terrorism.
Gadhafi’s Mercenaries Spread Guns and Fighting in Africa
ABC News (blog)
When Libya’s dictator for more than four decades fell victim to the Arab Spring, Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s influence didn’t end. It is now contributing to increased attacks by rebel groups, the arming of terrorists and a hunger crisis in other parts of

ABC News (blog)

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