Wednesday, October 9

Morocco reiterates support for Mali’s territorial sovereignty and stability

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The North Africa Post

Morocco remains attached to Mali’s national unity, territorial sovereignty and stability, Nasser Bourita foreign minister said.

Morocco supports the actions undertaken to guarantee security to the Malian people as well as development projects in the country and in the wider Sahel, Bourita told the press after talks with his Malian peer Tiébilé Dramé in Rabat Friday.

Bourita highlighted on the same occasion the longstanding ties between Rabat and Bamako, citing the visits by King Mohammed VI to Mali in 2013 and 2014.

The visit is a gesture “that will never be forgotten by the Malian people,” said the Malian foreign minister, highlighting King Mohammed VI’s constant commitment in favor of Mali.

The Malian official expressed his deep gratitude to the Sovereign and to the Moroccan government for the support they have always provided to Mali, especially since the outbreak of the serious security and institutional crisis in his country.

Morocco and Mali are bound by centuries-old ties, he said, adding that Morocco is part of Mali’s history and part of its future too.

The talks were also a chance to raise the need for reinforcing political dialogue as well as economic cooperation and coordination within international and regional bodies.

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