Wednesday, March 12

Your views on the news: Morocco's solar farm

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The news that’s been getting our readers talking this week.

Morocco to host first solar farm

Morocco will be the first site in a network of solar and windfarms across North Africa and the Middle East to be built with a 400bn investment from a German-led coalition of countries. The renewables network will provide 15% of Europe’s electricity supply by 2050. Commenters discussed whether this was the right choice of location and whether British companies should be taking the lead on such projects.

Scorp316 says:

Which British company would be well positioned to invest in this? I can only think of the Oil Companies, and they probably sit there hoping for a sandstorm like a few commentators
Be glad that the UK will benefit from this, with the majority of those companies having operations in the UK and through cheaper/sustainable energy. Be glad that someone is actually attempting to use clean energy on a larger scale.
Would you want the UK government involved in this kind of project, or would you want it to have a chance to succeed?

Jacksavage writes:

I applaud the German Government for their courage, but then I am not a German taxpayer. Let them go ahead and do it quickly. We should all be watching to see how it all pans out financially. If solar power is going to be a success anywhere…it is likely to be here.
Why do people think we are going to be “left behind”? I see it more as letting others do the heavy lifting. Why pile in until we know it is worthwhile? All this tech is getting cheaper by the month.

HollyWaupe adds:

I was travelling through Ouarzazate just recently and the thought crossed my mind: what a great place to build a solar power farm.
It’s bascially gravelly desert, not suitable for much else. Also not far at all from Europe. This could provide a very poor country with a sustainabe export, and provide energy guzzling Europe with green Energy.


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