Friday, March 14

Worldwide Human Rights Group Launched to Address Abuses of Covert Technologies

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The International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse (IAACEA) was recently formed to address the issues of organized stalking and remote electronic assaults; technologies that may be surreptitiously charting the direction of the 21st century.

A sure sign of growth for an issue is when it reaches international proportions. Thus, on Friday, November 4, 2011, a very important international event happened: the start of a worldwide organization that is raising the issues of organized stalking and remote electronic assaults. It’s called the International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse (IAACEA).

So far, advocates from 14 countries: Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Russia, Italy, UK, Spain, India, Japan, China, New Zealand, Malaysia, Morocco, as well as the United States have joined or are intent on joining the alliance.

“Our goal is to unite targeted individuals (TI´s) around the world and to encourage cooperation and exchange knowledge,” say Lars Drudgaard, from Denmark and moderator of the call.”

IAACEA is extended from of a Yahoo group currently of the same name. It contains a consortium of international organizations and individuals who have come together to address extreme human rights atrocities in their own countries and across the globe, which consist of the ultimate, most intimate violations possible: remote access and manipulation of the human mind and body via the use of covert technologies.


The technologies are the result of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) bioresearch which has been secretly occurring in the US and governments all over the world since around the 1950s and in some cases, much earlier.[

Participants share stories of how being targeted affects them and examine strategies for handling the added suffering and stress imposed on their lives. There are amazing similarities in spite of vast distances between group members. Some EMF effects may include: ringing in ears, sleep deprivation, extreme heating of skin, eye damage, migraine headaches, artificial telepathy (perceiving human voices transmitted to one’s mind), heart attacks, strokes, cancer, uncontrollable movements of limbs, difficulty breathing, nausea, extreme fatigue, plus the organized stalking scenarios that often accompany these crimes. [

“We’re learning from each other. We’re stronger together than apart. We’ve benefitted by cooperating and conversing with each other. It’s a win-win all the way around,” says Peter Rosenholm, from the United States and one of the originators of the group.

Organized stalking victim estimates in the United States number from about 500,000 to a million [ , while worldwide totals may reach as high as 30 million or more, according to estimates from a Russian researcher, as stated at one recent conference call.

English is the common language spoken at the meetings, which convene via the Skype interface on Fridays. Since there are representatives from all parts of the globe, start times vary for each participant by location; from 7 am on the west coast of the United States/10 am Eastern time to late afternoon in Europe to 10 or 11 pm in Asia to 3 am in New Zealand.

One of IAACEA’s most important goals is recognition by the United Nations or another prestigious international organization so that its issues can be heard, validated and supported by a worldwide audience. Everyone involved tacitly acknowledges the importance of the cause and that individual freedoms for all humans on this planet are at imminently at risk.


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