Monday, March 10

Western Sahara: 2015, A Gloomy Year For The Polisario

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Polisario Confidential
by Khalid Ibrahim Khaled


The year 2015 seems to have started badly for the Polisario Front leader Mohamed Abdelaziz and his cronies, both in the Tindouf camps and on the international arena.

The situation in the Tindouf camps is constantly flaring up because of the repeated protest movements staged by the Sahrawi refugees who can no longer bear their dire living conditions.

No later than April 3, Mohamed Abdelaziz visited the camp called “Smara” to chair the opening of the “7th Congress of the Union of Sahrawi women.” But when he took the floor, in the presence of Algerian and Spanish activists, he was booed and roughed up by young Sahrawis protesting the Polisario leadership.

The armed militias had to intervene to save the Polisario chief from the grip of the angry protesters and restore order.

Last February, after the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) revealed the large scale diversion of the international humanitarian aid destined to the Tindouf refugees, the Polisario leader had a stroke and flew to Italy for treatment. Since then, he has limited his public activities to the bare minimum.

At the international level, the Polisario and its Algerian mentor suffered a series of setbacks in their diplomatic battle against Morocco over the Western Sahara issue.

After they endured snubs from Paris, Brussels and Washington, the Polisario and Algeria are yet to receive the hardest blow from the United Nations, as the UN Secretary General’s new report on the Western Sahara issue will strengthen further Morocco’s positions.

According to rumors circulating in the Polisario headquarters in Rabouni, Mohamed Abdelaziz is quarantined by the Algerian military intelligence services and the Algerian army Generals for his repeated mistakes that give advantage to the Moroccans, the Algerian regime’s eternal foes.


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