Monday, March 10

Welcome to the 18th SolarPACES Conference

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SolarPaces2012 - Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy SystemsSolarPACES is the foremost symposium for the who’s who in concentrating solar power and chemical energy systems. It offers a forum for industry, research, politics and financing stakeholders within the framework of a scientific conference programme with leading world experts. The SolarPACES 2012 will take place from September 11 – 14, 2012 in Marrakech, Morocco which is the most important former imperial city in Morocco’s history.

The conference will offer in depth:
Insight into new developments in technology, politics, the market and financing presented by top experts in the field;
A scientific conference programme with leading world experts and particular emphasis on recent research results;
A forum for industry, research, politics and financing stakeholders to discuss the future of concentrating solar energy.

Online Program
The online program is now available on the conference website.
Click here for the interactive program.
Click here for the program overview.
Click here for the printed program.

The online registration for SolarPACES 2012 is closed.

Registration on-site
Registration on-site will be possible on-site at the registration desk.

Pre-Registration on Monday, Sept. 10
For both pre-registered participants and new registrations, the registration desk will be open on Monday, September 10 between 5:00 and 7:00 pm.

Participant Substitutions
Substitutions prior to the conference are free of charge until September 01.
Substitutions during the registration on-site are possible but subject to a handling fee of 20€.

Paper Upload
The paper upload is now available on the conference website. Full papers must be uploaded until Friday, September 28 at the latest. The papers will be published online in the password-protected Download Area of the conference website and will be available as soon as the author has uploaded the paper.

SolarPACES Download Area
The download area is now available on the conference website. All registered participants will have access to the list of participants, all accepted abstracts and all papers which have been uploaded so far. Additionally, the list of participants offers the opportunity to send mails to other participants who accepted to receive mails.

Accommodation and Travel

Detailed information on accommodation and travel are now available in the “General Information” section of the website.


To stay up-to-date with the SolarPACES 2012 conference, please sign up for the conference newsletter.

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