Tuesday, March 4

WASDE: Lower domestic and export use offset reduced wheat production

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USDA | Updated: October 12, 2011

Projected U.S. wheat ending stocks for 2011/12 are raised 76 million bushels as lower expected domestic use and exports more than offset reduced production. Production is lowered 69 million bushels, mostly reflecting lower spring wheat output as estimated in the September 30Small Grains report. With tighter domestic supplies and an increase in production in Canada, U.S. imports are raised 10 million bushels, 5 million bushels each for Durum and Hard Red Spring (HRS) wheat. Domestic use is lowered 84 million bushels with seed use reduced 4 million bushels on lower planted area and feed and residual use projected 80 million bushels lower on indications from the September 1 stocks. Despite competitive wheat prices relative to corn for feeders in many areas, wheat feed and residual use during June-August is indicated 53 million bushels lower than the same quarter last year. All wheat food use for 2011/12 is unchanged; however, food use is lowered 15 million bushels for HRS wheat and raised an offsetting amount for Hard Red Winter (HRW) wheat.

U.S. exports for 2011/12 are projected 50 million bushels lower with HRS reduced 40 million and HRW reduced 10 million. Tighter spring wheat supplies in the United States boost export prospects for Canada and larger exportable supplies in Australia and strong shipments by Russia increase competition in the world market. The season-average price received by producers is projected at $7.10 to $7.90 per bushel compared with $7.35 to $8.35 last month. The higher 2011/12 wheat carryout projection and lower corn prices are both expected to limit seasonal price increases.

Global wheat supplies for 2011/12 are projected 5.4 million tons higher with larger beginning stocks in Australia and higher production in Kazakhstan, Australia, EU-27, Canada, and South Africa. World beginning stocks are raised 2.3 million tons as a 3.2-million-ton increase for Australia (reflecting the latest government stocks estimate) more than offsets numerous, small, downward revisions elsewhere. Kazakhstan production is raised 3.0 million tons based on harvest results that confirm the impact of abundant moisture and near-perfect summer weather on this year’s crop. Australia production is raised 1.0 million tons as September rainfall across most of the country’s wheat producing areas boosts yield prospects. Production is raised 0.5 million tons for the EU-27 with further upward revisions to official statistics for France and higher reported output in the Czech Republic and Hungary. Production is raised 0.2 million tons each for Canada and South Africa, in line with the latest government estimates.

World wheat trade is raised for 2011/12 as higher expected imports for a number of countries and larger exportable supplies in major exporting countries support increased trade. Imports are raised 0.5 million tons each for Egypt, Morocco, and Turkey. Smaller increases also are projected for Libya, Thailand, Taiwan, and Tunisia. Exports are raised 2.0 million tons each for Australia and Russia. Exports are raised 1.0 million tons each for Canada and Kazakhstan. Reduced competition from U.S.spring wheat boosts prospects for Canada, while the record crop adds to available supplies in Kazakhstan. World wheat feeding is lowered 4.6 million tons led by the 2.2-million-ton reduction for the United States. Wheat feeding is lowered 2.0 million tons for Russia as exports draw wheat away from domestic use. Wheat feeding is also lowered 1.4 million tons for Australia in part reflecting lower usage indications from the latest official stocks estimate. Global ending stocks are raised 7.8 million tons this month to 202.4 million. As projected, 2011/12 stocks would be a 10-year high.


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