Monday, February 24

Upcoming Informal Talks On The Sahara To Deepen “New Ideas” Put Forward By UNSG

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New York (U.N.) – During the upcoming talks on the Sahara, due on March 11-13, the parties will further discuss the new ideas put forward by the Secretary-General in his report to the Security Council.

During this new round, to be held at the invitation of the Personal Envoy of the UN secretary-general for the Sahara Christopher Ross, bringing together Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and Polisario, “the parties will (…) further discuss the new ideas put forward by the Secretary-General (…) associated with governance, such as environment and natural resources as well as demining,” the UN spokesperson office said.

The parties will, “as previously agreed, further deepen their discussion of their respective proposals on a settlement” of this conflict, the UN added.

They will also have the opportunity to review the status of Confidence Building Measures and discuss the outcome of the last UNHCR coordination meeting that took place on 24-25 January in Genevam it concluded.


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