Saturday, March 15

United States Dedicates New U.S. Embassy In Rabat, Morocco

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Written by State Department

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In an important symbol of our commitment and enduring relationship with Morocco, U.S. Ambassador to Morocco Dwight L. Bush, Sr., and Principal Deputy Director of the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) Heather Townsend, alongside local officials, dedicated the new U.S. Embassy in Rabat today.

The new multi-building complex provides employees with a safe, secure, and modern workplace. The campus is situated on a site of just under 8 acres, on King Mohammed IV Road, approximately 3 miles from the Rabat city center. With a project budget of $181 million, it includes a Chancery, a U.S. Marine Security Guard residence, and a service/utility building.

The project incorporates numerous sustainable features to conserve resources and reduce operating costs, including large vegetated roofs over the underground parking structures, and a white roof and light-colored exterior to reflect solar heat. Automated air-conditioning and heating systems will reduce operating costs. All water used on-site is treated and used for site irrigation.

SmithGroupJJR of Washington, D.C. is the design architect and PAGE of Washington, D.C., is the architect of record. B.L. Harbert International of Birmingham, Alabama constructed the multi-building campus.

Since 1999, as part of the Department’s Capital Security Construction Program, OBO has completed 118 new diplomatic facilities and has an additional 41 projects in design or under construction.

OBO’s mission is to provide safe, secure, and functional facilities that represent the U.S. Government to the host nation and support our staff in the achievement of U.S. foreign policy objectives. These facilities should represent American values and the best in American architecture, engineering, technology, sustainability, art, culture, and construction execution.


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