Monday, February 24

UN Security Council Delegation To Visit Haiti

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New York – A delegation representing the 15 Security Council members, including Morocco, will pay a four-day visit on February 13 to Haiti to obtain a firsthand look at the security conditions as well as on the progress in reconstruction efforts, the UN announced on Sunday.

The Security Counill delegation will also seek the means to bring more international assistance to the quake-stricken country and will proceed to an assessment of reconstruction efforts.

Morocco will be represented by its permanent representative to the UN, Ambassador Mohamed Loulichki.

Louluchki, who was speaking to MAP, recalled that Morocco was among the first countries to assist Haiti following the devastating earthquake that shook the Caribbean country in January 2010.

He said that Morocco sent, upon high instructions of HM King Mohammed VI, pharmaceutical and medical aid worth 1 million dollar, delivered in Port-au-Prince by the Royal Armed Forces.

The earthquake killed some 220,000 Haitians and caused widespread damage to buildings and infrastructure in the small island country.


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