Tuesday, March 11

UN Official Commends Morocco’s Progress In Fighting Traffickin​g In Persons

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Rabat  – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, welcomed, Thursday in Rabat, the progress made by Morocco in the fight against trafficking in persons.
Morocco has committed to introducing appropriate amendments to the legislation in force and implementing a national plan and a data-collection mechanism in order to fight trafficking in persons and protecting victims, she told a press conference.

Joy Ngozi Ezeilo welcomed the ratification by the Moroccan government of the Palermo Protocol and other instruments relating to the fight against all forms of discrimination against women in the defense and protection of the rights of migrant workers and their families.

Pointing out that Morocco has become a destination country for migrants who are subject to various forms of servitude and exploitation, the UN official noted that many challenges hinder the effective fight against trafficking in persons.

In this regard, she recommended that the draft law on domestic work be accompanied by measures to fight against this scourge, emphasizing the need for a specific legal framework on trafficking in persons, and a mechanism for collecting data on human trafficking in order to ensure that victims recourse to justice and receive a fair trial and that they and witnesses are protected during the trial.

She also called for training authority and police officers to strengthen their capacity to identify victims of trafficking.


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