Monday, March 3


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By David Inman

Q. I want to know about the good-looking guy on the new show “Person of Interest.” Where have I seen him before?

A. Michael Emerson is the co-star of “Person of Interest,” and now he’s in the corner weeping softly because you don’t think he’s good looking. Nice work.

Just kidding. The guy is Jim Caviezel, and you may recognize him from any of the following — “Pay It Forward,” “Frequency,” “The Passion of the Christ,” “Deja vu” and the miniseries “The Prisoner.” Or maybe you graduated from high school with him in Burien, Wash., class of 1987.

Q.Years ago, I saw what was probably a play filmed for TV. It was about a pilot who flew solo across the Atlantic before Lindbergh. However, he was such an unsavory character, the people who backed him didn’t want to publicize it. So when he got back they all met in a boardroom several floors up and pushed him out the window. Any help?

A. Yes. That is “The Greatest Man in the World,” a 1980 TV movie that aired on the PBS anthology series “The American Short Story.” It’s based on a story by James Thurber. Brad Davis played the unsavory pilot, and the cast included Carol Kane, John McMartin, Howard Da Silva and William Prince. It’s on DVD.

Q. I must prove something to my husband. In the 2001 movie “15 Minutes,” starring Robert De Niro, I think the woman playing De Niro’s girlfriend is the same woman who stars on “CSI: NY.” Please help.

A. You are correct, but there may a reason for the disagreement.

The woman in question is Melina Kanakaredes, who was Detective Stella Bonasera on “CSI: NY.” But she left the show in 2010 and was replaced by Sela Ward.

So your husband may be thinking you are referring to Ward, when in fact you are referring to Kanakaredes. Or he just may be a stubborn doofus.

Q. What is the status of last season’s TV program “No Ordinary Family”? Will it return or was it canceled? Frankly, it was the stupidest show I have ever seen, but I still liked watching it.

A. Thank you for that ringing endorsement. Alas, you must now search out another stupid show to enjoy, because “No Ordinary Family” was canceled.

Q. When my sisters and I were kids back in the early 1960s, we watched a funny movie that had a talking camel in it. That is all I remember about the movie. Can you tell me anything more?

A. You might be thinking of one of two movies. One is called “Ali and the Talking Camel.” It was released in 1960 and stars Mohamed Rifai, Haj Mohamed and Alan Rodman. The other is “Road to Morocco,” a 1942 classic with Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour. In addition to the clowning of Hope and Crosby, there are a few scenes with a talking camel.

Q. Could you tell me who sang the closing song on the Sept. 23 episode of “CSI: NY”?

A. The song is “If I Should Fall Behind,” the performer is Bruce Springsteen and it’s from the CD “Live in New York City.”

Q.Where and when can “All My Children” be seen? I’ve heard it will be on the Internet but can’t find any information about it.

A.“All My Children” will be coming to the Internet in January, according to Prospect Park, the company that bought the rights from ABC.

Q. There’s a Lowe’s commercial about a couple who keep remodeling their house as they grow older. What’s the music in the background?

A. The song is “Don’t Stop” by Gin Wigmore.


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