Monday, February 24

Tunisian President Said He Perceived HM The King’s Clear Will To Revitalize Maghreb Union

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Rabat – Tunisian President Mohamed Moncef Marzouki said he has perceived a clear will from HM King Mohammed VI to reinvigorate the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) and to rebuild this regional bloc on new foundations.

“We are facing a bright future. We are on track to build the Maghreb Union,” said the Tunisian President, speaking on Wednesday night in Rabat in front of Moroccan political and economic leaders, and human rights and civil society actors.

In this respect, he hoped that the conventions of the joint Maghreb action ensuring freedom of movement, establishment, employment, investment and ownership and participation in municipal elections would be implemented.

Marzouki, who started Wednesday brotherly and working visit to Morocco, said that “it is time to revive the Maghreb body,” noting that the Maghreb countries have lost nearly 2% of GDP due to blocking of integration, which caused the Maghreb peoples to endure years of underdevelopment, poverty and powerlessness.

“Today, our people yearn for the union and their message is: enough divisions and disputes under mood swings,” said the Tunisian president.

He, on the other hand, welcomed the reform process undertaken by Morocco, which stems, he said, from the spirit of responsibility shown by HM the King, wishing to see this momentum achieve the aspirations of Morocco.

Marzouki called, at the last summit of the African Union, for the return of Morocco to its “natural place” within the Union.


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