Thursday, March 6

Tunisian Pres. calls for full Tunisian-Libyan integration

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Kuwait News Agency

TUNIS, Jan 3 (KUNA) — Tunisian President Moncef Al-Marzouki on Tuesday called for bolstering Tunisian-Libyan cooperation to reach the level of full integration.

In press statements during his visit to the Libyan city of Misrata, Al-Marzouki underlined also the need for reviving the Great Arab Maghreb project which is meant to reach the highest level of cooperation among Tunisia, Libya, Algeria and Morocco.

“This is an historic opportunity for the advancement of Arab Maghreb nations,” he said, adding that he will visit Algeria and Morocco soon to discuss this issue.

Al-Marzouki unveiled that Tunisian Prime Minister Hamadi Al-Jebali will visit Libya soon, accompanied by a large ministerial delegation, to sign a number of cooperation agreements and activate the previously signed ones.

The Tunisian President started his official visit to Libya on Monday and held talks in the capital Tripoli with President of the National Transitional Council Mustapha Abdeljalil.

He is expected to travel to the city of Benghazi, eastern Libya, late Tuesday to conclude his first visit to Libya. (end) nm.ibi KUNA 032132 Jan 12NNNN


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