Thursday, March 6

Throne Day Speech: A Royal Vision To Promote Demoracy, Social justice And A New Maghreb Order, Founded On Integration And Openess

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By Said Temsamani

July 31, 2013

On July 30, for Throne Day in Morocco, King Mohamed VI addressed the country in a speech outlining how the country would advance democratic reforms, economic prosperity, social justice and to develop a new Maghreb Order based on economic integration and openess. The day marked the fourteenth anniversary of King Mohammed’s ascension to the throne of the Moroccan kingdom.

In his speech King Mohammed VI urged the government to move forward to make more progress in the virtuous process initiated under the leadership of the Sovereign. “Since my accession to the throne, I have launched several major economic and social projects and, at the same time, introduced political and institutional reforms to fulfill your aspirations. I have given my undivided attention to ensuring our citizens’ dignity and prosperity. Ours is a permanent march which is based on bold initiatives, resolute action, participatory approaches and effective use of the resources available.

As part of that march, and in accordance with my instructions, all previous governments have made praiseworthy efforts to give substance to my vision concerning reform and development. As a result, the current government has found not only a positive and constructive legacy, but also concrete achievements in the economic and social spheres. I therefore urge it to press ahead along the same lines which I am eager to keep to, and to show the same will and determination to achieve further progress and development.”
Having highlighted the achievements of the infrastructure in Morocco, King stressed that the Kingdom has also made tangible progress and increased its attractiveness for foreign investments, despite a global economic and social crisis. The Sovereign, in this regard, urged the government to prioritize all that is likely to stimulate growth and help create jobs and ensure complementarity between the needs of local consumption and the exportability production of Morocco, with all that this implies as positive effects on the balance of payments.

The King likewise urged the government to create the right conditions to diversify and expand the Moroccan industrial base through a proactive policy that strengthens the partnership between the public and private sectors, recalling that Morocco is committed to develop global industrial businesses in the plan “Emergence”. The Sovereign is, in this regard, welcomed the results that have been achieved in this area and “encourage us to stay the course.”

It is in the same spirit, said the king, that is part of the desire to give Morocco the capacity to produce renewable energy, helping to give concrete expression to our vision of sustainable development. Hence the implementation of solar energy program, including the launch of construction sites “Nour Complex” in Ouarzazate, along with deadlines listed in wind energy program, said the Sovereign, stressing the need initiate a policy of efficient training and development skills in solar energy.

King Mohammed also noted that the tourism sector has been able to protect the adverse effects of the global financial crisis, thanks to the efforts and initiatives implemented in recent years, all of which are likely to encourage all partners and stakeholders in the sector to get involved in the realization of Vision 2020.

The King also highlighted efforts to promote the sector of marine fisheries through the plan “Halieutis” efforts which have resulted in “promising progress worthy of support.”

The Sovereign, on the other hand, said that beyond economic growth, “Our main objective is the realization of social justice that is the foundation of social cohesion”, confirming in this regard the need to strengthen and expand programs under the National Initiative for Human Development (NIHD), through other mechanisms that give priority to income-generating projects.

The Initiative, stressed the Sovereign, must be considered a work in constant evolution, especially since it is a real roadmap for a bold and comprehensive vision of development, which is not limited the poor and needy families, but that opens on all development sites to reduce social and territorial disparities.

King welcomed, on this occasion, the unpublished results of the national mentoring programs in the field of the fight against illiteracy, particularly those initiated in mosques since 2004, indicating that the number of beneficiaries this year will reach one million and a half, and will be able to invest in the integrated development process of their country.

In his speech, the King has also expressed his pride of “the unchanging attachment to the motherland, shown by members of our community living abroad,” praising their “sincere patriotism.”

As for the Sahara issue, Morocco is committed to continue the momentum that has triggered internally, mainly to achieve more good economic and social governance in order to meet the obstinacy of the other parties who continue to keep the situation in the Sahara in the status quo, said King Mohammed VI. “In the face of the stubborn positions adopted by the other parties, who seek to maintain the status quo as well as their misleading campaigns, Morocco will pursue the dynamic process initiated at the domestic level, which is aimed, in the first place, at achieving more economic and social good governance, through a regional development model that is being prepared by the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. I look forward to ensuring that this model is fully and effectively implemented. Secondly, this dynamic process is designed to enhance territorial and institutional governance, through the optimization of opportunities offered by advanced regionalization. Thirdly, this process will seek to improve political and security governance, in order to protect the individual and collective freedoms of our citizens as well as their property, while fully respecting legal provisions and guarantees.

Highlighting “the sympathy capital” enjoyed the first cause of the Kingdom abroad, and increased with a good appreciation of the ins and outs of the issue of the territorial integrity of Morocco, King noted that “this trend is illustrated by the growing support of our wise move, in this case our proposal for autonomy.”

The Sovereign, in this respect, in particular that the last resolution of the Security Council strongly reaffirmed the essential prerequisites for achieving a consensual and realistic political solution.

The Sovereign noted that “this resolution places particular emphasis on the regional dimension of the dispute and emphasizes the responsibility of Algeria, as a party to this litigation, both at the political level as the legal and humanitarian levels in regard to the degrading situation in the Tindouf camps. ”

The King, in the same direction, recalled the terms of the UN resolution which clearly states that “the issue of human rights should be addressed only through national mechanisms, including the National Council for Human Rights, an entity that enjoys international credibility, and strong sovereign initiatives positive interaction with special procedures of the United Nations. ”
Morocco Islam Based on Tolerance and Respect

“We are indeed convinced that it is the cement of the cohesion of the nation, and the mirror of identity and authenticity,” said the Sovereign, noting that the preservation of the identity of the nation and its protection of downside risks and damage are possible “by a judicious understanding of our religion.” The King, in this sense, reiterated his commitment to his quality of Commander of the Faithful, defender of the faith and the faithful, protect the Islamic identity of the Kingdom, “which embodies a model of the original Moroccan practice of Islam, and is characterized by a tolerant faith and the unity of the Maliki rite, that of balance and moderation. ”
The Judicial Reform

King Mohammed VI has called for the completion of the reform of justice, its modernization and strengthening of its independence. “It is not only to uphold the law and the injustices, but also to create an atmosphere of trust that encourages the development and encourage investment,” said the King. Having noted with satisfaction of the outcome of a charter reform of the judicial system, for which all the conditions are now in place, the King, however, said that “regardless of the importance of the reform of regulations and efficient mechanisms that have been mobilized to this effect, it remains that it is the awareness of responsible stakeholders who will be the true test to evaluate this reform, even the key of the success of the entire sector”
A New Maghreb Order And A New Approach To Joint Arab Action

Morocco still remains hopeful for the emergence of a new Maghreb order allowing its five countries to build a common future, embodied by the mechanisms of complementarity and integration and free movement of people, capital and goods, said King Mohammed VI.

Morocco is driven by the same conviction and determination to work in concert with all the Arab states, to develop a new approach to joint Arab action . King recalled, in this regard, promising development prospects of Morocco’s relations with the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council especially after his last visit which laid the foundation for a strategic partnership between the United Kingdom and this harmonious and promising regional grouping.

With regard to the Palestinian cause, the King recalled the efforts that he has made as chairman of the Al-Quds Committee for this cause, noting that he will continue his support and commitment to the preservation of the civilizational and religious identity of the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, including through the Al-Quds Committee and its operational arm, the Agency of Bait Mal Al-Quds.

The Sovereign welcomed the diplomatic influence of Morocco that has spread to other continents and international actors operating there, adding that the Kingdom has worked, as a non-permanent member of the Security Council to voice all key issues of concern to Africa and the Arab world. The King reiterated Morocco’s full solidarity with the Syrian people and and expressed his total support to Mali.


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