Sunday, February 23

The United African Congress Pledges To Militate For The Defense Of Moroccan Sahara Issue Among American Public Opinion

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Tangiers  –
The United African Congress (UAC), a major organization of the African diaspora in the USA, pledged to militate to “defend the Moroccan Sahara case among the US public opinion”.

The UAC president, Sidique Wai, said Saturday in Tangiers during a meeting held by Moroccan opposition party, PAM, “the association is militating for a united Africa and opposes all plots to parcel out its countries”.
The UAC which defends the interests of some 3.5 million African immigrants in the USA also expressed solidarity with the Moroccans sequestered in the Tindouf camps (southwestern Algeria).

The UAC is ready to bring its support and collaboration to all initiatives meant to promote better knowledge about this issue, stressing it is time to end the artificial conflict around the Moroccan Sahara and the plight of the victims forcibly held in the Tindouf camps.

The United African Congress, is a not-for-profit organization in the United States with its headquarters in New York City and branches in Georgia, Ohio, California, Atlanta and Connecticut. Founded in 1998, the UAC is an umbrella organization representing the interests of African immigrants throughout the USA.


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